Checkout Your Eligibility For Parents Visa

  • Checkout Your Eligibility For Parents Visa
    13 Jan 2017

    Checkout Your Eligibility For Parents Visa

    Parents are the integral part of our life. Since childhood they have taken care of everything for us and now its our duty to play the role of a good child. If you are willing to call your parents near you in Australia then parents visa is what you need. Call your parents who is living overseas in Australia to live with you.

    There Are Six Kind Of Classes Under The Parents Visa :

    • The contributory parent visa (subclass 143)
    • The contributory parent (temporary) visa (subclass 173)
    • The parent visa (subclass 103)
    • The onshore contributory aged parent visa (subclass 864)
    • The onshore aged parent visa (subclass 804)
    • The onshore contributory aged parent (temporary) visa (subclass 884)

    You can apply for temporary visa which is valid for two years or you can apply for permanent visa. The faster visa is contributory parent visa (sub-classes 173, 884, 143 and 864) as the processing fee is quite high. However the aged parents visa does not make you eligible for age pension as you have to wait for 2 years to start the pension benefit.


    Checkout whether you are eligible to apply for the parents visa or not:

    Your child must a New Zealand citizen or an Australian permanent citizen or an Australian citizen.
    You child must be living in Australia legally at least two years prior to your visa application.
    Should posses good health
    Sponsor is must
    Should fulfill Balance of family test criteria


    Sponsor is a must for getting the visa. You need sponsor for permanent as well as temporary visa application. But the real question is who can be a sponsor?
    A sponsor can be a citizen of Australia or New Zealand or he/she can be a permanent Australian citizen.
    Should be 18 years or above
    Should be living in Australia lawfully for minimum 2 years prior to the visa application

    With the right guidelines, you can apply for the parents visa. Although the visa process could be lengthy if you make mistakes in application form. Mistakes in application form and wrong type of visa could delay the process.

    We are happy to help you

    We, YEG GLOBAL is ready to serve you with the smile. We deal with the different types of visas for your permanent as well temporary visa need. We guide you to choose right type of visa. We are registered Migration Consultancy with the aim to provide best services at very minimal charges. Come and convert your dream of living in Australia with us.

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