Skills Assessment for Migration to Australia
In order to certain countries you need special permission and this permission comes in the form of visa. Australia is one of such countries where visa is a must needed documents. With the visa you get the permission to enter for a specify period of time. To get some type of visa you need to go through skill assessments. This assessment gives you idea whether you have the skills to work here or not. The purpose of assessment is to check whether you will be prove beneficial for the economy of the country or not.
There are huge number of visa options. So lets understand something more about them and what types of visa needs skills assessments.
Student Visa:
This type of visa is meant for those you aspire to do their higher studies in Australia. This visa also gave permission to work 40 hours in 15 days to meet their expenses. The duration of this visa gets over as soon as your course gets over.
Visitor Visa:
It is also known as Tourist Visa, get to know tourist visa process guidance. This visa is meant for the people who want to explore the nation for the short period of time in the form of short vacation. Here business visa is also included in it. The duration of this varies from 3, 6 and 12 months.
Working Holiday Visa:
Here comes the next type of visa, as the name suggest it is for those who want to extend their holiday while supplementing their work. People between the age of 18 to 30 years of age fall can apply for this visa.
Medical Treatment Visa:
Medical treatment visa is meant for those who want to undergo medical treatment or consultation in the Australia. Here surrogate motherhood is not included under this.
Transit Visa:
Transit visa are meant for those who want to transit for less than 72 hours in the country. This is specially meant for cabin crew.
Parents Visa:
This type of visa is meant for those parents who is an Australian resident or New Zealand citizen or permanent Australian citizen. Under this visa parents can come and live with his/her child. The maximum duration of this visa is 2 years however they can apply for permanent citizenship.
Special Program Visa:
Special program visa is given to those people who take part in cultural enrichment an the benefit of the communities and humanities.
Permanent Visa:
As the name suggest this visa is for those who want to stay in the Australia without any time limitation. This visa give as permanent citizenship status to the applicant. Those who grant this visa gets all the benefits which a local citizen would get.
Yeg Global helps its service hire to fill the application form and other documentation and other formalities. Checkout your skills assessment with us. What are waiting for? Come and seek our valuable advice to get the visa at the fast rate.